Kubernetes and Cloud Native Associate
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Introduction to Containers and Kubernetes
Container Orchestration
1 lesson
Introduction to CNCF and Cloud Native
Cloud and Cloud Native
1 lesson
Kubernetes Fundamentals
Accessing Kubernetes
Kubernetes API Primitves and Object Model
Pods in Kubernetes
Multi-Container Pods
5 lessons
Scaling the Deployments
Deployment Strategy – Rolling Update
Deployment Strategy – Recreate
Labels and Selectors
Labels and Annotations for Deployment Object
Field Selectors
Health Checks – Liveness Probes
Health Checks – Readiness Probes
Batch Operations with Job
Parallel Jobs
Cron Jobs
15 lessons
Services and Networking
ClusterIP Service Type
NodePort Service Type
LoadBalancer Service Type
Introduction to Ingress
Ingress – Deploy Applications
Configure Path Based (Fan Out) Ingress Routing
Configure Virtual Host Based Ingress Routing
Network Policies – Ingress Policies
Network Policies – Egress Policies
Service Mesh
Istio Service Mesh
11 lessons
Managing Storage in Kubernetes
Static Volume Management
Dynamic Volume Provisioning
3 lessons
Scaling Applications in Kubernetes
What is Autoscaling?
Horizontal Pod Autoscaler
Limitations of Horizontal Pod Autoscaler
Autoscaling with KEDA
4 lessons
Deploying Serverless Applications in Kubernetes
What is Serverless?
Knative in Kubernetes
2 lessons
Cloud Native Observability
What is Observability?
Observability Signals
Introduction to OpenTelemetry
Auto Instrumentation of Java Application
4 lessons
4C's of Cloud Native Security
Normal Users
Service Accounts
Creating Roles and RoleBinding using RBAC
4 lessons
About Helm
Working with Helm
2 lessons
Cloud Native Application Delivery
What is GitOps?
About ArgoCD
2 lessons
Services and Networking
Configure Path Based (Fan Out) Ingress Routing
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