Top Key Takeaways from KubeCon NA 2023

Top Key Takeaways from KubeCon NA 2023

Read about the most talked items of the KubeCon NA 2023 in Chicago

A few days back, KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America 2023 wrapped up in the windy city of Chicago, Illinois, at the McCormick Place West building. People from all around the world attended the event in person and virtually. The venue was filled with brilliant folks sharing their valuable knowledge with the community.

Here are some of the primary key takeaways from the event:

  • The keynote at KubeCon NA grabbed the most attention; this time, it was all about adopting AI and LLMs and how Kubernetes and cloud-native technologies can help with this. Priyanka Sharma showed a fantastic demo running Ollama workloads on a local Kubernetes KinD cluster. Try it yourself from here.
  • People are talking about Platform Engineering.DevOps is an old thing; platform engineering is a trend. People understand it and its usefulness to their organization. The Platform Working Group has released the whitepaper on it, too.
  • Tim Hockin, in his keynote, talked about the future of Kubernetes for the next ten years. He talked about the new features added in the recent releases of  Kubernetes, such as support for IPv6 dual-stack, graceful node shutdown, and so on. He also mentioned the future challenges of Kubernetes, such as enhancing security by reducing complexity, favoring more innovation, etc.
  • CNCF is creating several programs to help people from around the world to contribute to open-source projects. Besides LFX mentorship, Google Summer Of Code, a zero-to-merge program, has been started to help people learn and contribute to cloud-native projects.
  • Supply chain security is very important, especially in open-source. Frederick Kautz discussed it and how OpenTelemetry can help in this by collecting and analyzing data from various sources.
  • Navigate easily through CNCF projects landscape with improved landscape 2.0.
  • The general availability of OpenTelemetry logging. It is stable now and available in several programming languages.

Next year, KubeCon Europe 2024 will be in Paris, France, and its CFPs are open till 26th November 2023. It is the first KubeCon that includes poster sessions as well. Read more here. KubeCon NA 2024 will be in Salt Lake City, Utah.

KubeCon is a great event that helps learn from the community and its people more closely through talks, networking, and exposure.

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