Update Multiple Lines in a YAML file with Kubectl

Update multiple lines in a YAML file with kubectl Whenever I need to update a YAML file, the first thing that comes to mind is to either use sed or awk or perl etc., But there’s an in-house kubectl patch option that simplifies the experience. Lab With Kubectl Patch As we triggered the lab through the LAB SETUP button, a terminal, and an IDE comes for […]

Build a Container Image from Source-Code using S2I and Push It to a Registry

Build a Container Image from Source-Code using S2I and Push It to a Registry Recently, while drafting an OpenShift solution tutorial, I explored an interesting tool called S2I (Source-to-Image). In this post, you will learn how to create a container image directly from your source code and push the generated container image to a registry. What […]

Install a local Kubernetes with Microk8s

Getting started with Microk8s Single-node deployments of Kubernetes are more common than one would expect. In some scenarios, single-node clusters make much more sense. For development or testing purposes, there’s no need to deploy a full production cluster. So, to solve this trouble, we have MicroK8s, a tool by Canonical. In this hands-on lab, we will […]

AutoScaling in Kubernetes

To know about autoscaling and its types in Kubernetes Allocating resources to pods running inside the Kubernetes cluster is challenging as it gives rise to the questions such as how much CPU and RAM to allocate to pods for high performance and how to create enough replicas of these pods to handle the incoming load. For […]

Introduction To Kata Containers

To learn how to provide more isolation and security to containers Container technology has been widely adapted for packaging applications inside the container to make it portable on various platforms and infrastructures. Today different containerization platforms have been developed which follow Open Container Initiative(OCI) standards like Containerd and so on. This portable characteristic of containers makes them […]

Progressive Delivery With Argo Rollouts : Canary & Traffic Management (Part 4)

Canary with Traffic Management using Nginx Controller In Part 3 of Argo Rollout, we have seen the Canary deployment strategy with analysis and deployed a sample app using the Argo Rollout controller in the Kubernetes cluster. In this hands-on lab, we will be going to explore the canary deployment strategy with traffic management using the Nginx controller via […]

Setting Up Grafana with Prometheus

Grafana is an interactive web application used to monitor our systems. Grafana is open-source analytics and monitoring software. It helps to create, explore and share the data using the dashboards.  It helps us to query, visualize and understand the data. In this hands-on lab, we will set up Grafana and add Prometheus as a data source to it. You can refer to the […]

Introduction To KEDA

To learn about Kubernetes Event-Driven Autoscaling (KEDA) Autoscaling is one of the important features of Kubernetes and Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA) comes to mind when pods need to be scaled on the basis of CPU and memory consumption. You can find out more about autoscaling and HPA through our Autoscaling in Kubernetes hands-on lab. HPA is a […]

Hugo On Kubernetes

To learn how to deploy a blogging website using Hugo on Kubernetes Hugo is one of the most popular  open-source Static Site Generator (SSG) frameworks written in Go.  It allows developers to build fast HTML websites by combining content and templates. Visit the official documentation of Hugo to know more about it.In this blog, we will see how […]

Revisiting Container Image Builds Inside a Container

More flexibility and Improved Isolation using Kata Containers A commonly used approach to build container images as part of the DevOps pipeline is to use a builder image running in a Kubernetes cluster. The builder image leverages either docker or kaniko or buildah. With Kata containers maturing into a production-ready container runtime and subsequent increase in uptake, it presents a great […]