Microservices and Serverless Event (29th April 2017)

On 29th April 2017, 8 different meetup groups of Bangalore came together and did joint event on Microservices and Serverless.

On 29th April’17, April 8 different meetup groups of Bangalore came together and did a joint event on Microservices and Serverless. The 8meetup groups were AWSAzureDevOpsDigitalOceanDockerHybrid CloudKubernetes and Mesos Meetup groups. It was like a mini-conference :). ~250 people registered and from them, ~200 came, which is a pretty good turnaround. More details about the background of the event are here.

The event was hosted at Walmart Labs, India. They sponsored food and made excellent arrangements for the event. Everything went smooth and on time. We had a great line of talks for the event.

I think Ken Sipe’s talk on DC/OS and Shiju’s talk on Microservices was the highlight of the event. Due to some confusion, my talk was not recorded. I gave a demo of FaaS by Alex Ellis, using a custom Twitter function. Thanks to all speakers for sharing their knowledge with us.

From the collected fee we would be giving a gift voucher of INR 1500 each to our speakers. After all the sessions we had a Q & A sessions with the participants as well. Participants who gave the right answer got a t-shirt from DigitalOcean and would be getting a gift voucher from the collected fee as well.

I would like to thank the organizers of different meetup groups HabibJasnoorAdityaMohitKumar GauravKrishna M, and Madan for coming together for this event. And thanks to the team of Walmart India DeepakSunitaGopalNitin and other volunteers. We could not get everyone in the same frame but here is a picture of the team, who made this event possible. 

I hope participants learned something new and will look forward to being part of more such events in the future.

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