Progressive Delivery With Argo Rollouts : Canary Deployment (Part 2)

To understand about canary deployment with Argo Rollouts

In Part 1 of Argo Rollout, we have seen Progressive Delivery and how you can achieve the Blue-Green deployment type using Argo-Rollouts. We also deployed a sample app in the Kubernetes cluster using it. Read and try hands-on lab in the first part of this Progressive Delivery lab series if you haven’t yet.

In this hands-on lab, we will explore the what is the canary deployment strategy and how you can achieve the same using Argo Rollouts. But before that, let’s first understand what is canary deployment and the need behind it.

What is Canary Deployment?

As stated rightly by Danilo Sato in this CanaryRelease article,
“Canary release is a technique to reduce the risk of introducing a new software version in production by slowly rolling out the change to a small subset of users before rolling it out to the entire infrastructure and making it available to everybody.”

Canary is one of the most popular and widely adopted techniques of progressive delivery. Do you know why we call it canary and not anything else? The term “canary deployment” comes from an old coal mining technique. These mines often contained carbon monoxide and other dangerous gases that could kill the miners. Canary birds were more sensitive to airborne toxins than humans, so miners would use them as early detectors.

So Similar approach is used in canary deployment, where instead of putting entire end-users in danger like in old big-bang deployment, we instead start releasing our new version of the application to a very small percentage of users and then try to do analysis and see if all working as expected and then gradually release it to a larger audience in an incremental way.

Figure 1: Canary Deployment and Image Source:
Figure 1: Canary Deployment and Image Source:

Need for Canary Deployment

Some of us have already seen that sometimes new updates of apps (like WhatsApp or Facebook) are visible to one of our friends but not to everyone, and that’s the power of a canary deployment strategy handling new version rollout in the background. The problems that canary deployment tries to solve are:

  • Canary deployments help to do testing in production with real users and real traffic which unfortunately Blue-Green deployment can not help with
  • One can analyze the response of a new version of your application in a more controlled manner and then rollout efficiently to all the end-users incrementally.
  • The infrastructure cost involved compared to the Blue-Green deployment technique is less.
  • Lowest risk-prone compared to all other deployment strategies.

How do Argo Rollouts handle the Canary Deployment?

Let’s say, once you start using the Argo Rollouts controller for canary style deployment, it basically creates a new ReplicaSet of the new version of the application (which creates a new set of pods) and divides the traffic between the old stable and this new canary version by using the single service object that it was used to route traffic to the older stable version.

Figure 2: Canary Deployment through Argo Rollouts
Figure 2: Canary Deployment through Argo Rollouts

Now, let’s try it on our own with some hands-on to see how it works in real.

Lab of Argo Rollout with Canary Deployments

As we triggered the lab through the LAB SETUP button, a terminal, and an IDE comes for us which already have a Kubernetes cluster running in it. This can be checked by running the kubectl get nodes command.

  • Clone the Argo Rollouts example GitHub repo or preferably, please fork this  
git clone

Installation of Argo Rollouts controller

kubectl create namespace argo-rollouts
kubectl apply -n argo-rollouts -f

You will see that the controller and other components have been deployed. Wait for the pods to be in the Running state.

kubectl get all -n argo-rollouts
  • Install Argo Rollouts Kubectl plugin with curl for easy interaction with Rollout controller and resources.
curl -LO
chmod +x ./kubectl-argo-rollouts-linux-amd64
sudo mv ./kubectl-argo-rollouts-linux-amd64 /usr/local/bin/kubectl-argo-rollouts
kubectl argo rollouts version
  • Argo Rollouts comes with its own GUI as well that you can access with the below command
kubectl argo rollouts dashboard

and now by clicking on the available argo-rollout-app URL  on the right side under the LAB-URLs section.

you would be presented with UI as shown below(currently it won’t show you anything since we are yet to deploy any Argo Rollouts based)

Figure 3: Argo Rollouts Dashboard
Figure 3: Argo Rollouts Dashboard

Now, let’s go ahead and deploy the sample app using the Canary Deployment strategy.

Canary Deployment with Argo Rollouts

To experience how the Canary deployment works with Argo Rollouts, we will deploy the sample app which contains Rollouts with canary strategy, Service, and Ingress as Kubernetes objects.

rollout.yaml content:

kind: Rollout
  name: rollouts-demo
  replicas: 5
      - setWeight: 20
      - pause: {}
      - setWeight: 40
      - pause: {duration: 10}
      - setWeight: 60
      - pause: {duration: 10}
      - setWeight: 80
      - pause: {duration: 10}
  revisionHistoryLimit: 2
      app: rollouts-demo
        app: rollouts-demo
      - name: rollouts-demo
        image: argoproj/rollouts-demo:blue
        - name: http
          containerPort: 8080
          protocol: TCP
            memory: 32Mi
            cpu: 5m

Here setWeight field dictates the percentage of traffic that should be sent to the canary, and the pause struct instructs the rollout to pause. When the controller reaches a pause step for a rollout, it will add a PauseCondition struct to the .status.PauseConditions field. If the duration field within the pause struct is set, the rollout will not progress to the next step until it has waited for the value of the duration field.

Otherwise, the rollout will wait indefinitely until that pause condition is removed. By using the setWeight and the pause fields, a user can describe how they want to progress to the new version. You can find more details about all the different parameters available.  

  •   Now, we will create the service object for this rollout object.

service.yaml content: 

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: rollouts-demo
  - port: 80
    targetPort: http
    protocol: TCP
    name: http
    app: rollouts-demo
  •   Let’s now create an ingress object.

ingress.yaml content:

kind: Ingress
  name: rollouts-ingress
  annotations: nginx
  - http:
      - path: /
        pathType: Prefix
            name: rollouts-demo
              number: 80
  • To keep things simple, let’s create all these objects for now in the default namespace by executing the below commands.
kubectl apply -f argo-rollouts-example/canary-deployment-example/

You would be able to see all the objects been created in the default namespace by running the below command

kubectl get all

Now, you can access your sample app, by clicking on the app-port-80 URL under the LAB-URLs section.

  • You would be able to see the app as shown below:
Figure 4: Sample app with blue-version
Figure 4: Sample app with blue-version
  • Now, again visit the Argo-Rollouts console through the app-rollout-app URL. And this time, you could see the sample deployed on theArgo Rollouts console as below
Figure 5: Canary Deployment on Argo Rollouts Dashboard
Figure 5: Canary Deployment on Argo Rollouts Dashboard

You can click on this rollout-demo in the console and it will present you with its current status of it as below

Figure 6: Details of Canary Deployment on Argo Rollouts Dashboard
Figure 6: Details of Canary Deployment on Argo Rollouts Dashboard

Again, either you can use this GUI or else (preferably) use the command shown below to continue with this demo.

  • You can see the current status of this rollout by running the below command as well
kubectl argo rollouts get rollout rollouts-demo
  • Now, let’s deploy the Yellow version of the app using canary strategy via command line
kubectl argo rollouts set image rollouts-demo rollouts-demo=argoproj/rollouts-demo:yellow

You would be able to see a new i.e yellow version-based pod of our sample app, coming up.

kubectl get pods

Currently, only 20% i.e 1 out of 5 pods with a yellow version will come online, and then it will be paused as we have mentioned in the steps above. See line number 9 in the rollout.yaml 

Also on the Argo console, you would be able to see below the kind of new revision of the app with the changed image version running.

Figure 7: Another version of the sample app in Canary Deployment on Argo Rollouts Dashboard
Figure 7: Another version of the sample app in Canary Deployment on Argo Rollouts Dashboard

If you visit the app URL on app-port-80, you would still see only the majority of blue version, and a very less number of yellow is visible rightly because we have not yet fully promoted the yellow version of our app.

Figure 8: blue-yellow versions of the sample app
Figure 8: blue-yellow versions of the sample app
  • You can confirm the same now, by running the command below, which shows, the new version is in paused state
kubectl argo rollouts get rollout rollouts-demo
  • Now, let’s promote the yellow version of our app, by executing the below command
kubectl argo rollouts promote rollouts-demo

Run the following command and you would see it’s scaling the new i.e yellow version of our app completely.

kubectl argo rollouts get rollout rollouts-demo

The same can be confirmed by running the below command, which shows the old set of pods i.e old blue version of our app, terminating or already terminated.

kubectl get pods
  • Eventually, if you visit the app URL on app-port-80 this time, you would see only the Yellow version is visible right now because we have fully promoted the yellow version of our app
Figure 9:  Sample app with yellow-version
Figure 9: Sample app with yellow-version

Kudos!! you have successfully completed the Canary Deployment using Argo Rollouts. 

  • You can also delete this entire setup i.e our sample deployed app using the below command. 
kubectl delete -f argo-rollouts-example/canary-deployment-example/


In this blog, we experienced how we can achieve a canary deployment style of progressive delivery using Argo Rollouts quite easily. Achieving canary deployment in this way with Argo Rollouts is simple and does not require any service mesh and provides much better control on rolling out a new version of your application than using the default rolling update strategy of Kubernetes.

What Next?

Now we have developed some more understanding of progressive delivery and created a canary deployment out of it. Next would be diving deeper to try the canary deployment with Analysis using Argo Rollouts, stay tuned for the hands-on lab. 

You can find all the parts of this Argo Rollouts Series below:
Part 1: Progressive Delivery with Argo Rollouts: Blue-Green Deployment
Part 2: Progressive Delivery with Argo Rollouts: Canary Deployment

References and further reading:

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