After I left my full-time job, I decided to give 3 years to see if I would like to continue as an entrepreneur or would join back a company. It’s been 2.5 years since then. For the first 1.5 years, things were just OK, we were able to cover our expenses. In the last year or so we added new clients like Cisco, VMware, Intuit, Reliance JIO and few others, which helped us getting some profits for our training business. Things are looking promising now, at least for the next two years. So, I think I would continue my entrepreneur journey, post initial 3-year commitment.
We have spent a good amount of time building our training content on Docker and Kubernetes, which has given us lots of insights into those projects. Though sharing knowledge is one kind of contribution to the community but as an engineer, there is always an urge to do more. With our current capacity and future lined-up training, I don’t think, we’ll get time to dig deep into those projects and contribute back in source code. So, I decided to hire a full-time person to join us for upstream contribution for projects like Kubernetes, Docker, Prometheus, etc.
Having a full-time person for upstream contribution would not only help us contribute back to the community but it would help us gain more insights into those projects. Those insights would help us bring more and better quality training content. Things may eventually lead us to a product idea.
We are looking for a candidate who:-
- can commit to our journey, for at least one year
- is self-driven
- has committed to open source
- has good problem-solving skills
- has good programming knowledge
We don’t have any requirements for the prior experience but let’s be practical, as a start-up we can not pay huge payouts for experienced candidates. Being said that, I think we should be able to pay a decent salary for employees with 2-3 years of experience.
If this sounds interesting to you or you know someone who be would the right fit, then please share our requirements. One can apply here.