Kubernetes & Cloud Native Online Meetup # 7

In this online meetup, we explored different application deployment methods on OpenShift and covered CI/CD with Jenkins & ArgoCD.

In this online meetup, we explored different application deployment methods on OpenShift and covered CI/CD with Jenkins & ArgoCD. For this meetup, more than 180 participants RSVPed and around 70 showed for the live event. Following was the agenda for the meetup:-

  1. OpenShift Overview and different application deployment methods – Sumit Shatwara, Solution Architect, Red Hat
  2. CI/CD with Openshift and ArgoCD – 8:15 – 9:00 PM IST – Neependra Khare, Founder, CloudYuga

You can find the recording of the event at the following:-

Sumit’s session was very interactive and he covered why would companies prefer a solution like OpenShift than Vanilla Kubernetes. The Following are the slides of his session.

CNCF Meetup – OpenShift Overview from Sumit Shatwara

After Sumit’s session, I gave the demo of CI/CD with Jenkins and ArgoCD.


In the next session, we’ll be covering MinIO Deployment Strategies & K8s Backup and Restore on 7th Oct at 7 PM IST/9:30 AM ET. You can signup for the event here.

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