In the first week of February’24 I delivered a 2 days workshop on Git and GitHub at the Dayananda Sagar Academy of Technology and Management. It was attended by around 60 students from 2nd Year of the Data Science Branch.
During the workshop we covered the course content from the Cloud Engineer’s Bootcamp. We covered following with the complete hands-on:-
Introduction to Version Control Systems (VCS)
- Introduction to VCS
- Types of Version Control Systems (VCS)
Introduction to Git and GitHub
- Introduction to Git
- Introduction to GitHub
Installation and Setting Up
- Installation and Setting Up Git
- GitHub Account Creation and Setting Up
Git Lifecycle
- Create a Git Repository
- Local Git Config File
- Git Lifecycle
- Working Directory and Staging Area
- Git Commit and the Local Repository
Git Common Commands
- Git Commit Cycle
- Useful Git Commands
Working with Git Branches
- Git Branches
- Creating a Branch
- Switch and Checkout commands
- Renaming a Branch
- Merging and Deleting a Branch
- Resolving Merge Conflicts
Working with Remote Repositories
- Getting Started with GitHub
- Forking Repository
- Remote Repository
Getting and Publishing changes to GitHub
- git fetch
- git pull
- git push
- Creating and Merging Pull Request
Git and GitHub Advanced Concepts
- Ignoring Unwanted Files
- git amend
- git revert
- git reset
- git rebase
- git stash
- git cherry-pick
During the workshop I not only covered the above topics but gave students the overview Cloud and why it is important to learn that. We also talked about the Basic Minimum Knowledge , from my book Mastering Cloud Careers required by any developer these days.

The workshop was well received and got many positive feedbacks.
- This was a whole new field for us to work on. But the hands on working gave us an amazing experience to learn about git. Thank you
- The session as a whole was very satisfactory and lots of real life examples were given during the sessions.
It is great to see colleges taking such initiatives for students to have them get the exposure from the industry experts early on. This would be very useful to students, if they just practice and use in their day to day work.
I would like thank Dr Manu and Dr. Sumithra Devi for organising the workshop and let me deliver it. I thoroughly enjoyed delivering it to the college students, after a long time.
And by the way this course is also available as a self paced course on our website for anyone to take it.