Meetup: K8s in Production & Cost Reduction when running it on Cloud

Event report: Online Meetup to discuss about k8s challenges while running it in production and how to reduce the cost when deploying in production

Last week on 12th July’22 we did online meetup of K8s and CloudNative Meetup . Following was the agenda of the meetup :-

  • 7:30 PM – 7:40 PM IST – Welcome and Introduction – Neependra Khare
  • 7:40 PM – 8:20 PM IST – Learnings from two years of Kubernetes in production – Vaidik Kapoor, Engineering Leadership Mentor
  • 8:20 PM – 9:00 PM IST – How to cut AWS, Google, or Azure cost for Kubernetes – Laurent GilCo-Founder CAST AI

195 people RSVPed to the event and more than 70 showed up during the event, which is great with respect to any online event. This is definitely because of the topics and the speakers.  Following is full recording of the event:-

Session Recording

The slides from the Vaidik’s talk is here:-

Two things hit very hard to me from the Laurent’s session:-

  1. Half of the K8s applications utilize less than 30% of the CPU resources 
  2. 90% of the applications have 5x more resources than they actually need.

You can look at the following slides for more details. 

Title: CAST AI Webinar July 2022.pdfOpen in a new tab

This was on of the best I moderated and attended. A lot too from this. So don’t miss it.  Also don’t forget to join meetup group for future updates. See you soon.

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