Kubernetes Day 2019, Bengaluru – Chance to be part of larger K8s eco-system

Kube-Day 2019 – Bengaluru

As any technology becomes popular, the entire eco-system gets built around it. Take examples of Linux, Git, Java, Virtualization, Cloud, Containers. With eco-system, I refer following: –

  • Distributions/Platforms
  • Sales and Services Partner
  • Technology Partners
  • Consulting
  • Training and Certification
  • Conferences
  • Meetups

All of the above are important to increase the adoption of the technologies and make new technologies main-stream. Once a technology becomes main-stream it becomes part of the default stack and then we move to the new one. This circle continues in the IT industry. In this circle, some technologies stay for a very short time and we get better alternatives or they stay for a very long time and make long-lasting impression.

Around 15 years back we were introduced to Virtualization and we are still using it. With Virtualization, we save costs, provision our infra using APIs, and so on. It has made such a long last impression and with the cloud, it is going to stay for many years to come. Every company now has a cloud strategy and they have many options to choose from, like AWS, Azure, GCP, DigitalOcean, OpenStack and so on. Options are good but companies and individuals now worry about vendor lock-in. So what we do? As the IT circle moves, we get new technology to save us and it is Kubernetes.

Kubernetes (k8s) is a container orchestrator, which is a cloud/infra agnostic tool to run things anywhere using the same APIs. Those things can be just applications, stateful workload, or maybe a complete PaaS. The possibilities with k8s are endless. Once an application is built for Kubernetes, it would run the same on local work-station, QA/Prod environment deployed on-prem or any cloud. For a person like me who does not want to learn every nitty-gritty for each cloud provider, is a great win. Also, I would have the flexibility to move to a different cloud provider.

To cut the story short, Kubernetes is a technology that is changing the way we build, test and deploy applications. It is going to stay here for long like Linux, Virtualization. So the earlier you start is better for you.

Now let’s talk about the event – Kubernetes Day’19, Bengaluru, which is the first ever CNCF event in India. As per the website the CNCF hosts such events where large numbers of developers cannot necessarily travel to KubeCon + CloudNativeCon events in Europe, China, and North America. This is a great initiative by the CNCF and we use take maximum benefit of it. Thanks to my previous company Red Hat, I have traveled to many international conferences and each one of them made a long-lasting impression on me. Even after starting the CloudYuga, I made sure I put aside some budget for them. Actually speaking at such conferences gave me the confidence to start CloudYuga.

For the Kubernetes Day’19, Bengaluru, the CNCF made sure: –

  • the registration fee is low
  • we have a good mix of international and local speakers
  • the events cater newbies and intermediate k8s users

As we provide training on Kubernetes, we know that many companies in India are using Kubernetes in production and many of them are planning a move. And this event opens up doors for consulting, support, training and many more to become an active part of the eco-system. I would highly recommend everyone in the IT industry to attend this event. You can register for the event here.

Let’s make this event a grand success and target to host a full KubeCon in the next few years.

So, see you at the event !!!

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