In this meetup, we’ll be covering Minio Deployment Strategy on K8s along with K8s backup and restore.

For the Oct’20 meetup, we collaborated with K8s and OpenShift Meetup Group had sessions on Minio and K8s Backup and Restore. We covered the following:-
- MinIO Kubernetes Deployment Patterns – Nitish Tiwari, MinIO
- K8s backup and restore – Neependra Khare, CloudYuga
Following the recording of the meetup:-
In the first talk, Nitish gave an introduction about MinIo and covered its Operator for Kubernetes. Earlier I was using the Helm chart for the MinIO deployment but now I think Operator would be a better way to doing it. His slides are available at the following:-
For my talk, I did not any slides but covered many demos for k8s backup and restore with etcd, Minio, and Velero. You can check out the recording and try it yourself.
In the online meetup on 12th November we would be covering the FlatCar Linux, which is one of the minimal Linux Distribution to Container Workload and KubeVirt using which we can run VM workload on Kubernetes. You can sign up for the meetup here.