RootConf’17 Booth’s experience and Kubernetes workshop

In the earlier blog post I mentioned that I would be doing a Kubernetes workshop and CloudYuga would be having a booth at rootconf

In the earlier blog post, I mentioned that I would be doing a Kubernetes workshop and CloudYuga would be having a booth at rootconf
In the earlier blog post, I mentioned that I would be doing a Kubernetes workshop and CloudYuga would be having a booth at rootconf’17. On both conference days (11th and 12th May) I was at the booth and interacted with the participants. I could not even attend a single talk at the conference.

Though I have been behind the booth for Red Hat earlier this was special. With the RootConf participants, I shared the details about the work we do and the trainings we offer to corporate and individuals. On both days we did a lucky draw and gifted access to our online courses.

As a part of the conference, I did a Kubernetes 101 workshop on the 14th. 27 Participants attended the workshop.

It was fun-filled the last few days. Though they were tiring but gave us a great experience. I must say building the marketing collateral and sharing it with people is a difficult task. I am glad that we could pull it off :).

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