Bengaluru Kubernetes Meetup – May’24
After a long time I spoke at the Bengaluru Kubernetes Meetup last weekend. It was attended by close 150+ people at the Red Hat Office. There were talks on GitOps, CI/CD, KEDA and Ingress. I gave a talk on CNCF and AI, in which I summarised the Cloud Native Artificial Intelligence whitepaper; which was published in […]
Machine Learning on Kubernetes – Containerizing a Model
In the 3rd session of “Machine Learning on Kubernetes” Book Club session we discussed how we can take a machine learning model and containerize it. You can find more details about the series and previous two recording here. We started the session by doing the quick review of Machine Learning and then looked a basic […]
Inside the Containerization Maze: Running Docker Within Docker Containers
Simplifying Development and Deployment with Isolated Docker Environments Docker is a platform that simplifies application development, shipping, and deployment processes using containerization. However, what if we can go one step ahead and enclose Docker itself inside a container as Docker allows the layer of containerization. Explore the ways of setting up a confined environment for Docker […]
Unveiling Sidecar Containers in Kubernetes
To extend the functionality of the application container in the Kubernetes pod A Sidecar pattern can separate an application’s functionalities into different processes. With the help of the sidecar design pattern, we may expand the functionality of the main application without modifying its codebase. From a software point of view, a sidecar is attached to a core application […]
Kubernetes vs Docker
Kubernetes vs Docker: Why not Both? In this article, we will discover the most widely used tools in the modern cloud-native container ecosystem: Docker and Kubernetes. Though Docker and Kubernetes are often used together, the most common question asked is Kubernetes or Docker. The answer is neither. Our comprehensive will give you a better understanding and help […]
Docker Compose: A hassle-free way to optimize multi-container deployments
To define and run multi-container Docker applications with the help of services define in the YAML file and start them with a single command and improve your productivity. An application can have multiple containers running different services. which could have both frontend and backend services. It may be annoying and time-consuming to manage containers manually […]
CloudYuga’s Cloud Engineer Bootcamps
Hands-on program to make the participants Internship/Job ready in 3 months If I look around in my circle everyone is hiring but they keep complaining that they are not getting good candidates. On the other hand, if you look at the profiles on LinkedIN, Job sites etc we’ll find a lot of buzzwords in the […]
Kubectl Tips & Tricks
To get familiar with kubectl and improve productivity with its useful commands For anyone who learns and works with Kubernetes, its CLI kubectl becomes one of the essential tools to know as to interact with the cluster. Kubectl is a command-line tool that is used to communicate with the Kubernetes control plane via a Kubernetes API. As Kubernetes API is […]
Introduction To Kata Containers
To learn how to provide more isolation and security to containers Container technology has been widely adapted for packaging applications inside the container to make it portable on various platforms and infrastructures. Today different containerization platforms have been developed which follow Open Container Initiative(OCI) standards like Containerd and so on. This portable characteristic of containers makes them […]
Container Runtimes and runC
To know about the building blocks for containers and container runtimes Nowadays containers are becoming the default choice to deploy applications. Containers are created using Containers Runtimes like Containerd, cri-o, Docker, etc. We run our applications in an isolated environment such that applications have their own independent identity like hostname, IP Address, etc. In this hands-on lab, we are going […]