Kubernetes 2nd Bithday Celebration – Bangalore

On 29th July’17, we celebrated Kubernetes 2nd Bithday in Bangalore. On 29th July’17, we celebrated Kubernetes 2nd Bithday in Bangalore, in whichBangalore Mesos & CNCF User Group,Bangalore Kubernetes Meetup,Kubernetes and Openshift participated. It was hosted at the Red Hat office and around 70 people attended it. Following was the agenda of the meetup :- Other than the […]

Docker Meetup Bangalore #33

On July 1st, we hosted [Bangalore’s Docker meetup at IBM’s office](https://www.meetup.com/Docker-Bangalore/events/240413454/). Around 80 participants attended the meetup. On July 1st, we hosted Bangalore’s Docker meetup at IBM’s office. Around 80 participants attended the meetup. Following was the agenda of the meetup :- I started the session by giving an overview of the Moby Project. Project Moby from Neependra Khare […]

RootConf’17 Booth’s experience and Kubernetes workshop

In the earlier blog post I mentioned that I would be doing a Kubernetes workshop and CloudYuga would be having a booth at rootconf In the earlier blog post, I mentioned that I would be doing a Kubernetes workshop and CloudYuga would be having a booth at rootconfIn the earlier blog post, I mentioned that […]


Rootconf is one of the India’s largest gathering of DevOps, Sysadmins, systems engineers and Site Reliability Engineers (SRE). Rootconf is one of the India’s largest gathering of DevOps, Sysadmins, systems engineers and Site Reliability Engineers (SRE). The main conference is on 11th – 12h May’17 and there are workshops on 13th and 14th May’17.Rootconf is one […]

Microservices and Serverless Event (29th April 2017)

On 29th April 2017, 8 different meetup groups of Bangalore came together and did joint event on Microservices and Serverless. On 29th April’17, April 8 different meetup groups of Bangalore came together and did a joint event on Microservices and Serverless. The 8meetup groups were AWS, Azure, DevOps, DigitalOcean, Docker, Hybrid Cloud, Kubernetes and Mesos Meetup groups. It was like a mini-conference :). ~250 people […]

DockerCon 2017 & #8211; Austin

Wow !!! It was an amazing [DockerCon 2017](http://2017.dockercon.com). After spending few days in Houston I reached to Austin on 17th April to attend the DockerCon. Wow !!! It was an amazing DockerCon 2017. After spending few days in Houston I reached Austin on 17th April to attend the DockerCon. As soon I reached I attended Docker Captains roundtable, […]

Launching Containers (Docker) for Developers and Quality Assurance online course

In January we launched our first our first online course on [Containers Fundamentals](http://www.cloudyuga.guru/?p=396), in which we covered Docker, RunC and Rkt. In January we launched our first online course on Containers Fundamentals, in which we covered Docker, RunC and Rkt. Today I am very happy to announce we are launching our second online course *Containers […]

Looking forward for DockerCon 2017

I am very excited to attend the [DockerCon 2017 in Austin between 17th to 20th April this year](http://2017.dockercon.com). I am very excited to attend the DockerCon 2017 in Austin between 17th to 20th April this year. There are multiple reasons to:- This would be my 3rd DockerCon. I attended my first one in SF while I was […]

Docker session at Prathidhwani, Technopark, Trivandrum

Docker session at Prathidhwani, Technopark, Trivandrum Today I delivered a Docker 101 session at Trivandrum for Prathidhwani. Prathidhwani is Socio-Cultural Organisation for Technopark Employees Employees. Today I delivered a Docker 101 session at Trivandrum for Prathidhwani. Prathidhwani is Socio-Cultural Organisation for Technopark Employees Employees. I reached Trivandrum at 9:40 AM and went directly to the venue. More than 300 people registered […]

Go Programming Workshop 4th and 5th Feb17th by Shiju Varghese

Last weekend on 4th and 5th Feb 2017 we hosted our 2nd Go language workshop by Shiju Varghese. This is first 2 days workshop we did it our office. Sometimes it becomes difficult to do training when there are fewer participants. This time we had only 3 participants, which does make much financial sense but […]