First Bootcamp Graduation

First Bootcamp Graduation

Learning and experience of running two bootcamps

We introduced our bootcamp program last year and I am happy to announce that 2 of the cohorts have graduated recently. It took more than 3 months (which was earlier planned) but all good things take time :).

It had been an eventful journey for the entire team and there had been a lot of learning :-

  • Not to our surprise, people start with lot enthusiasm but when reality hits with assignments, reading, practice it fades away. So we also saw drop-offs as expected. 
  • Though our primary aim was to work with freshers but many industry professionals and people who wanted to re-start the career joined. We also had one participant from a school as well.
  • Women, who want to restart the career are most diligent to do the assignments and score well during exam/assignments. 
  • Participants shy away from participating in peer learning, which needs to change. We to enforce it sometimes. 
  • After doing some hands-on and deploying applications on the cloud, participants confidence level increased tremendously. 
  • Apart from technical, sometimes we had to work on their soft skills as well

Even after having a diverse set of participants, we could meet the expectations for both experienced and freshers. Following are the testimonials from both the categories. 

We had finished our curriculum in last the week of December’22 and gave 3 to 4 weeks for interview preparation. After taking the mock interviews, we are now scheduling interviews with two of the companies; for those who have cleared our internal interview process.

Part of the Bootcamp Graduates...
Part of the Bootcamp Graduates…

Keeping the money part aside for now, it has been a great experience. We feel satisfied with our efforts. We not just gave the roadmap but walked along with them. They now know what is required to get to the next level.  Rest is upto them on how they utilise this. 

Continuing the trend, for our newest bootcamp batch, following is the participants composition:-

We see that a lot of experienced folks have joined the bootcamp and when I ask why they joined the program and a common pattern emerge – To get the foundations right  and that is why I want more and more freshers to join this program. Because if the basics are right, there are great chances of success. We are planning more interesting things around bootcamps and will unveil soon. 

I would like to thank Oshi and Budh from our team to help us build the content and deliver it, along with me. Wish us good luck and helps us spread the word about the bootcamp

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