Real-Time Data Streaming with AWS Kinesis

In today’s data-driven world, the ability to process and analyze information in real-time has become a game-changer. AWS Kinesis is a powerful service designed to enable developers to collect, process, and analyze real-time, streaming data efficiently. In this blog, we will explore the features of AWS Kinesis and walk you through a hands-on demo showcasing […]

Cloud Native and Artificial Intelligence

We all know that using the Cloud Native method is the most effective way to manage Web Applications on a large scale. With the help of both public and private clouds, we have addressed all possible issues such as hardware availability, ability to grow, networking, storage, and managing multiple users, which may arise with these […]

Machine Learning on Kubernetes – Containerizing a Model

Containerizing an ML Model

In the 3rd session of “Machine Learning on Kubernetes” Book Club session we discussed how we can take a machine learning model and containerize it. You can find more details about the series and previous two recording here. We started the session by doing the quick review of Machine Learning and then looked a basic […]

Machine Learning on Kubernetes

Machine Learning on Kubernetes

As a part of Kubernetes Book Club initiative we are currently exploring Machine Learning on Kubernetes. For reference we are using the book Machine Learning on Kubernetes but also planing to cover additional content to make sure we all understand all the basics and apply them in real-work scenarios. With our discussion in book club […]

Top Key Takeaways from KubeCon NA 2023

Read about the most talked items of the KubeCon NA 2023 in Chicago A few days back, KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America 2023 wrapped up in the windy city of Chicago, Illinois, at the McCormick Place West building. People from all around the world attended the event in person and virtually. The venue was filled with brilliant folks […]

Tetragon: Empowering Kubernetes Security via Dynamic eBPF Insights

Efficient Event Filtering and Runtime Enforcement Strategies Kubernetes has become the standard for orchestration. However, it raises the concern for organizations to secure their production environment as it doesn’t offer default observability for security to examine the attacks. But eBPF solves that issue. eBPF is one of the most trendy topics in the industry people […]

High Performance Log Analytics with Parseable and Vector

Efficient Strategies for Logging, Analysis, and Visualization As we live in a digital world, people want applications to be operational 24X7. To achieve that, we need to solve the issues quickly or predict the issues in advance. Hundreds of microservices and thousands of servers are working behind the scenes. If something goes wrong, then how to debug it? To track the […]

Introduction To Parseable

Discover and learn about Parseable , a new cloud-native log observability stack Log data has become one of the most important parts of the business, which plays an important role in its reliability and security. Previously, logs from applications and servers were saved to files on local disks. But to save space on disks from […]

Kubernetes + Cloud Joint Meetup – Nov’22

Event report of the Nov’22 joint meetup along with presentations & recording If you do a poll or ask anyone about what is the best way to learn and meet like minded people; everyone would answer that the physical in-person meetings are best. In the Bengaluru tech community we have been missing that for a […]

Introduction to Confidential Containers

Get familiar with Kata containers based Confidential Containers stack Confidential Containers (CoCo) is a CNCF sandbox project which aims to integrate existing Confidential Computing (CC) infrastructure support and technologies with the cloud-native world. The following references are a good read: In this lab, we’ll be deploying the Kata containers based CoCo stack as shown in the […]