Top Advanced Linux Commands: Way To become an administrator

If you want to solve administrative levels of problems, and want information about processes, this hands-on lab, will help you learn the Advanced level of commands to understand the system and solve issues in an effective manner. reference-link How advanced linux commands are important for admin? The task of a system administrator is to make […]
Top Basic Linux Commands That You Must Know

To learn the basic and useful commands of Linux that will help you to monitor and control the system in an efficient manner To use Linux in an effective manner, you can use a terminal(command line) that gives you control over the operating system services. To use a command line for more control and quicker execution of […]
How does Kubernetes assign QoS class to pods through OOM score?

To know about the concept of Linux’s OOMKilled and how it helps Kubernetes to define a Quality of Service (QoS) class for its pods. Most Kubernetes users would have encountered OOMKilled at least once. When OOMKilled occurs, we tend to recalibrate the pod’s QoS or move the pod to a different node thinking there is a memory issue with […]
Kubernetes Tip: How To Gracefully Handle Pod Shutdown?

To know about graceful termination of pods and difference between SIG-TERM and SIG-KILL for container deletion. Shutting down an application Pod is as important as starting it up. We need to release all of the resources used by the application and process in-progress requests etc. Proper shutting of applications helps in reducing chances of request failure.There […]
CloudYuga’s Cloud Engineer Bootcamps

Hands-on program to make the participants Internship/Job ready in 3 months If I look around in my circle everyone is hiring but they keep complaining that they are not getting good candidates. On the other hand, if you look at the profiles on LinkedIN, Job sites etc we’ll find a lot of buzzwords in the […]
Learning about Linux namespaces in #docker and #kubernetes !

A practical walkthrough in exploring namespaces in relation to docker and kubernetes. As you probably know, containers running on the same host, share the Linux kernel. That’s why a container image does not contain a kernel, only software and tools that make up a distro like for example a package manager. So, if containers share […]
eBPF – An Overview

Why should everyone care about eBPF? Using eBPF, we can now program the Linux Kernel dynamically and get insights, which was not easily possible earlier or were very expensive . It is changing the game in the system’s side the way JavaScript helped us bring everything on the browser. There are now many emerging use-cases […]
eBPF – An Overview

Why should everyone care about eBPF? Using eBPF, we can now program the Linux Kernel dynamically and get insights, which was not easily possible earlier or were very expensive . It is changing the game in the system’s side the way JavaScript helped us bring everything on the browser. There are now many emerging use-cases […]